Key findings
The latest Australian Child Health Poll has found Australian parents are disregarding safety guidelines, with the majority allowing more than one child on a trampoline and most parents not supervising children while they use them.
The poll also reveals that one in six children has sustained an injury such as a broken bone, concussion or strains and sprains while using a trampoline, yet only one in two parents know the specific first aid for treating these injuries.
Director of the poll, paediatrician Dr Anthea Rhodes, said while it was impossible to prevent all childhood injuries, the poll was a timely reminder for parents on how to keep their kids safe this summer.
The fifth Australian Child Health Poll found:
- More Australian kids today are jumping on a trampoline than riding a bicycle or scooter or skateboard
- Two thirds of children who use a trampoline are not always supervised by an adult
- Twenty per cent of children under two are not always supervised by an adult when on a trampoline
- Despite guidelines* recommending no more than one child on a trampoline at a time, more than 80 per cent of parents said they allow multiple kids to jump on a trampoline
- One in five parents allow four or more children on a trampoline at once
- The majority of parents reported knowing the specific first aid for a bleeding wound and over half for a broken bone, however only one in two parents know the specific first aid for a head injury, dislodged tooth or an unconscious child.
With unintentional injuries the biggest cause of death in Australian children under 15, Dr Rhodes warned that many accidents and injuries are avoidable.
“Parents should familiarise themselves with basic first aid for accidents and injuries, and understand guidelines and recommendations to keep their children safe and reduce the risk of serious injury while they play this summer,” Dr Rhodes advised.
Other key findings from the fifth Australian Child Health Poll include:
- One in six kids don’t always wear a helmet when riding a bike despite it being a legal requirement, and almost half don’t always wear a helmet when riding a scooter or skateboard
- Over a third of children under two do not always wear a helmet when riding a bike or as a passenger on an adult’s bike
- Less than half of parents reported being very confident that they could rescue a child from a swimming pool
- Two in five Australian parents report they do not know first aid for a drowning child
- One in four parents report they are not confident to administer CPR to a child
- Respondents living in regional areas were more likely to report knowing first aid for a head injury, broken or dislodged tooth or an unconscious child, as well as having increased confidence in rescuing a child from a pool and administering CPR
- 62 per cent of parents reported having a well-stocked first aid kit in their home, and 40 per cent in their car.
*Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC)

Poll report

Summer safety: How ready are Australian parents?
Download report
Poll questions

Poll questions coming soon.
In the meantime, you can email

In the news
Sydney Morning Herald
Trampolining injuries on the rise among children
The Australian
Parents ignoring trampoline safety: poll
Perth Now
Study finds parents risking kids’ health with improper trampoline and bike use
Specialists warn parents who are ignoring important trampoline safety guidelines
Practical Parenting
Many parents are ignoring trampoline safety guidelines
Parents urged to make trampoline safety a priority this summer

Information for parents
Accident prevention
- Kidsafe
- RCH Kids Health Info (you can download the app here)
Water safety
- Surf Life Saving Australia
- Raising Children’s Network
- Swim and Survive
- Royal Life Saving Society Australia
First aid and CPR
- St John Ambulance Australia
- Royal Life Saving Society Australia
- Raising Children Network
- Kids Health SCHN
Helmets on bikes, scooters and skateboards
Trampoline safety

Thank you for the information